土耳其人民在取得民族独立战争(1919—1922)胜利以后,在共和国总统凯末尔领导下,在政治、经济、社会生活、文化教育等领域推行了一系列资产阶级改革,以巩固民族独立和国家主权。 在政治领域,实现了废除君权苏丹制(1922年11月1日)、宣布共和(1923年10月29日)、废除神权哈里发制和撤销教法及教会地产基金部(1924年3月3日)。
The essay argues that Kemal Reform was not a casual incident but a
great event of the development of Turkish society, and that the conditions
for carrying it out both in subjective and objective worlds were rather ma-
ture. The most important thing to make the Reform successful was resolu-
tely to end the dual structure in which the old regime and the new had
coexisted. Although the social forces of bureaucracy, soldiers intellectuals
and youth on which the Reform drew were limited, the neutral peasants
reenforced the social foundations of the Reform. The politically leading
group guided by Kemalism, the progressive ideology of national bourgeoisie,
however, was the factor which mobilized and united various social forces to
carry out the Reform successfully.
World History