

On the State Land Ownership in the Ancient India
摘要 在印度历史上,土地由原始的公有制向私有制转化是个渐进的过程,在这种转化未完成以前,始终存在公私两重性的特点。随着时间的推移,私有制的成分(比重)增加,公有制的成分(比重)减弱。公有制主要是指土地公社所有制和土地国有制。关于古代印度土地国有制问题,目前国内尚无专论,本文着重谈谈这方面的问题,有不妥之处希望同行和读者批评指正。 As the king is the chief representative of the state, the state land ow- nership in the ancient Inida means the king land ownership lawfully. Nat- urally the problem is concerned with the initiative of the royal rights in the ancient India. The royal rights are initiative with the state at the same time, but the law that provides for the king rights in land is later than the initiative of the state. The Kautiliya Arthasatra is the first work which provides definitely for the king rights in land. The king rights in land main- tains principally in three aspects: the rights of direct possesion of a part of the state land, i. e., the agriculture-used lands and the natural resocurces; the rights of granting lands to the religious monks and priests, Brahmanas, and secular officials; and the rights of collecting taxes from the village com- munities. The state land ownership comes from the tribal land ownership. It is a form of the land ownership of the primitive community land ownership trans- forming into the private land ownership in the Indian history. The base of the state land ownership is the village community land ownership. Essential- ly, the state land ownership in the ancient India is the land ownership of the slave owners clique headed by the king, and then it develops further and becomes gradually the private land ownership.
作者 黄思骏
机构地区 世界历史研究所
出处 《世界历史》 CSSCI 北大核心 1990年第2期63-73,126,共12页 World History
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