本文论述的黑非洲本地资产阶级(indigenous bourgeoisie)主要是指黑人及具有黑人血统的混血种人中的资本家阶级,而不包括移居在黑非洲的白人和亚洲裔资本家阶级。尽管有些白人和亚洲人已在黑非洲定居多年。但他们是随着欧洲殖民主义入侵而来到黑非洲的,
An independent indigenous bourgeoisie has come into being in present-day
Black Africa, namely a capitalist class made of the blacks or the mulattoes
with black descent.It consists of three sections: the bureaucrat bourgeoisie,
the comprador bourgeoidie and the national bourgeoisie. Owing to historical
and current reasons, it is dependent to some extent on the international
monopoly capital, with one section, i. e. the comprador capitalists directly
serving the interests of the latter. It can be found mainly in agriculture,
commerce, condtruction, real estate, transportation and other sectors, whereas
it is rather weak in manufacture.
West Asia and Africa