近几年来,东盟国家同中国的经济关系虽有发展,但进展缓慢,面临不少的新问题。东盟是我国周边国家,加强同东盟的关系非常重要,我国应及时调整政策,采取灵活有效步骤,打开双方经济关系的新局面。一、经济联系情况贸易方面: 自从我国实行改革开放政策以来,东盟六国同我国的贸易在稳步发展。
The recent years have seen a slow development of Sino-Asean economic relations. This is shown in the fact that th'e bilateral trade and investment have taken only a slight proportion in cach other's total trade and investment volume and there has not been a breakthrough in the technical exchanges and labour cooperation. Yet, there still exist some different advantageous conditions on both sides for a further development of the bilateral cconomic relations. Both economies are strongly complementary to each other in the field of material resources as well as technical and industrial structures, this is bound to pave ways for a wider cooperation. The world economic center is undergoing a shift from the Atlantic to the Pacific region and regionalization is becoming an important trend in world economic development. Meanwhile, the trade protectionism pursued by the western countries is severely blocking the foreign trade of the Asean countries. This trend of the world cconomic has also aroused tile demand of the Asean countries for strengthening their economic ties with China.
Generally speaking, the bilateral ecohomic relations, despite of their certain problems at present, is on the tendency, of continuous development presenting a fairly bright future, and both sides are sure to speed up their steps for cooperation especially under the powerful influence of current world economic situation.