理解既是阅读的目的又是阅读能力的指标。通过理解不仅可以建构课文的意义表征(representation),还可以检验阅读的效果。理解过程以读者的知识、推理和图式等为基础,是一个包括语义编码、命题编码和课文建模(text modeling)等一系列认知成分在内的复杂加工过程。 按照Perfetti(1985:32)的看法,理解过程可以分为局部加工(local processing)和课文建模两个阶段。这两个阶段是密切联系在一起的,是同一过程的不同方面。
This is an introduction to C. A. Perfetti's theory of reading compreaension. According to Perfetti (1985), the process of comprehension consists of two phases—local processing and text modeling. In the phase of local processing the basic units of meaning are quickly constructed from the text by means of semantic encoding and propositional encoding. In the phase of text modeling the meaning representation of the text is formed. Factors affecting reading comprehension include reader's semantic knowledge and schema, context of the reading material, linguistic triggers in the text and structure of the text. Semantic representation model, semantic activation model and story grammar are also explained as evidence in support of Perfetti's theory.
Foreign Language Teaching and Research