There were three types of towns in the English urban society in the 16th and 17th centuries.Its bottom was the market town distributed throughout the whole country,this town had some rural overtones.The middle of the urban system was a number ofimportant provincial cities, which were the social and economical centres for a co-unty or a region. The peak of the urban pyramid was London, the capital of the king-dom. In the two centuries, all towns had many economical changes, of which thedeyelopment of the commercial activities, the growth of the specialized economywere the most substantial. Morever, the service area of town extended from thesurrounding countryside to a larger world. Thus every town became the unit of thenational market network. These changes made economical life unitized on thenational level, and promoted the course of the transition from feudalism to capita-lism, from the agricultural society to the industrial on e in England.
World History