Since the end of the second World War, there has appeared a strange phenomenon,that is, all kinds of local wars have occurred incessantly, but up to now, no War hasbroken out directly between the developed capitalist countries. Owing to the rapidgrowth of the Soviet Union strength and the appearance of a series of socialist countri-es, the contradictions between the developed capitalist countries bave been degraded to se-condary position; owing to the impacts of the law of uneven political and economic de-velopment of capitalism, before the War, several great powers were capable of conten-ding for world supremacy, and after the War, the United States has dominated the ca-pitalist world. The world economy has become more and more globalized, the developedcapitalist countries are more and more depending on each other in economy. The con- sultation and coordination instead of resorting to force has become important means tosettle their disputes.
World History