记述了新生代晚期兔形类的两新种 :淮南上新五褶兔Pliopentalagushuainanensissp .nov .和李氏翼兔Alilepusliisp .nov .,材料产自安徽淮南大居山洞穴堆积的不同层位。淮南上新五褶兔以个体小 ,p3的前褶沟结构简单 ,后内褶沟釉岛状 ,p4~m2具前外褶沟等特征而区别于属型种P .moldaviensis和其他已知种。它是该属迄今所知出现最早、最原始的种类。通过对新种和欧亚大陆其他已知种的比较研究 ,讨论了该属的系统演化关系 ,对属征作了修订。李氏翼兔以p3的后内、外褶沟的釉质层强烈褶曲 ,具衍生的前外褶沟 ,p4~m1的后外褶沟釉质层小褶曲发育而明显不同于欧亚大陆其他种 ,却与北美A .hibbardi、A .vagus等种类更接近 ,推测当时亚洲和北美之间很可能有动物的交流。李氏翼兔除了缺少前褶沟外 ,其他形态特征与上新五褶兔颇为相似 ,而且产出层位比淮南上新五褶兔低。依性状分析 ,上新五褶兔有可能直接起源于翼兔。
Numerous mammalian remains including lagomorphs, are recently collected from the cave deposits of the Laodong Cave on the Dajushan Hill (N 32°35′47″, E 117°01′49″), about 15 km northwest of the Huainan City, Anhui Province. Sediments in the cave comprise grayish sandy mud and brownish muddy sands consolidated by calcareous cement, and can be divided into eight layers. The leporid remains were obtained from the layer 5 and layer 7. Based primarily on the cricetid rodents and other fossils, the geologic age of the Laodong Cave is estimated as the lastest Miocene. This paper is to describe the leporid materials. The terminology and measuring methods follow White and Morgan (1995).
Vertebrata Palasiatica
国家"九五"攀登专项 (编号 :95 -专 -0 1 )
国家自然科学基金项目 (编号 :40 3 72 0 1 6)资助