Mikhail Gorbachev's new thinking in the area of foreign policy is both a theory about international issues and a method for observing and studyng them. Under the current international situations, military force is no longer capable of solving international contradictions. The new thinking demands the use of the political dialogue as a basic means to solve international disputes, This new thinking of Gorbachev has evoked intense repercussion in Western countries, well received there as a great breakthrough in East-West relations. But Western countries are rather cautious in expressing their welcome while watching closely the change in the development of Soviet foreign policies. Analyzing Gorbachev's new thinking, one should take into account the following: 1) Analysis of the factors behind Soviet readjustment of policies should be based on the international consequence of the new thinking; 2) It is necessary to analyze both Soviet foreign and domestic policies in a unified way since the two are originated from the same guiqing ideology; 3) Reform has become an irreversible trend in the country; 4) It is worthwhile noticing the corresponding changes made by the United States and the range and intensity of the detente of the international situation.
Chinese Journal of European Studies