

A Brief Discussion on the Security Policy of the Socialist Democratic Party of Germany
摘要 本刊1988年第4期发表了德国社会民主党裁军问题专家埃贡·巴尔1988年5月在北京国际安全讨论会上论述德国社民党的安全政策的报告。本文对德国社民党的安全政策产生的背景和基本内容作了比较详细的阐述,并就此政策提出了自己的看法。 In recent years, the Germany Socialist Democratic Pa has been actively advocating a security policy that has distinctive features, to arouse wide international attention. The point of departure of this policy is the common security and the relationship with Federal Germany's security partners. Its main points are: 1) East and West European countries can gain security only through mutual co-operation; 2)Federal Germany has been associated with the European Community and the NATO, politically and militarily; 3)To prevent world war from happening, nuclear weapons should be destroyed compeltely and the NATO and the Warsaw Pact Organization should be reformed structurally. 4) Different social systems should co-exist, with civilized disputes allowed to take place among different ideologies.The emergence of the policy of the Socialist Democratic Party of Germany had its international background, that is, the US-Soviet missile rivalry. Its domestic conditions lie in the rise of the peace movement and ecological environment protection movement, It also owes much to the left-wing of the Germany Socialist Democratic Party, a faction which is rather strong in force now. The security policy of the Party, a challenge to the existing strategy of the NATO, has deviated from the balance of power policy pursued by Schmidt since he came to power. This will inevitably bring about new changes in international relations, somewhat significant for realizing world peace.
作者 潘琪昌
出处 《欧洲研究》 1988年第6期28-32,62+64,共7页 Chinese Journal of European Studies
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