中导条约主要涉及欧洲战区核武器,无疑会对西欧安全和军事产生深远影响。中导条约有益于西欧的安全,但也给这种安全带来新的问题,它将促使西欧军事政策进行有限调整。 (一) 中导条约对西欧安全的影响可概括为两个有利的方面和四个不利的方面。第一个有利的方面是减轻了核战争对欧洲的威胁。中导条约的签署,将欧洲发生核战争的危险降到80年代以来的最低点。为了认识这一问题,似有必要对80年代上半期的局势作一简略回顾。欧洲战区核武器分为两大类,一是远程战区核武器,二是近程战术核武器。中程导弹(包括中远程)属于前者。
In this article, the author sums up both the positive and negative impact of the INF Treaty on the security of Western Europe. The author argues that the INF Treaty is positive to West European security because: a. it alleviates the threat of a nuclear war in Europe and thus the danger of a nuclear war in Europe is now at the lowest level of the 1980s; b. it helps to change the eqilibrium in Europe by achieving a lower level of balance of power.The author also sums up the negative impact of the INF Treaty into the following arguments: a. INF Treaty makes it more difficult to apply the 'flexible response' strategy; b. INF Treaty gives rise to conventional imbalance between the East and the West, which is mainly reflected in the numerical disparity between the two sides in armed forces and weapon systems; c. British and French nuclear forces will be weakened, d. The theatre and tactical missiles of Western Europe will be subject to restriction.With the signing of INF Treaty, Western Europe has to adjust its military policy in order to maintain an effective nuclear deterrence and conventional deterrence. It has put forward new policies and put much weight on defence cooperation among NATO members. However, due to contraditions in military policies and the difficulties in applying, those policies within NATO, such an adjustment will only have a limited effect.
Chinese Journal of European Studies