After their independence, African nations have been making every effort to
achieve the aims of getting rid of colonial economic pattern imposed by their
old metropolis and looking for a new social and economic development
strategy. During the 1960s and early part of 1970s, African nations experienced
a period of economic growth, then, the growth rate slowed down owing to the
change of internal and international conditions, and from 1980 onward their
economy deteriorated seriously. At present, African nations are in the straits
featured by following phenomena: 1. a stagnation in economic development and
people living in poverty; 2. a decline in agriculture and a shortage in grain;
3. a sharp rise in foreign debt and a rapid drop in foreign trade; 4. a slow
development in industry and an insufficiency in basic facilities; 5. backward
education, poor health facilities, and lack of scientific and technical personnel.
In order to vatilize their economy, African nations now all renew their social
and economic development strategies and make more or lese adjustment and
revision to them.
In the course of probing the road of their development, African nations
have got some successful experiences as well as some failing lessons from which
the developing nations including China can make use of. It is of universal
significance to correctly recognize and handle following problemst: 1. it is
necessary to work out a social and economic development strategy in accordence
with both individual nation's condition and African personality as a whole: 2.
the relation between industrial and agricultural developments should be prope-
rly disposed; 3. a wise choice should be make to decide the nationalization
and denationalization of interprises; 4. the relation of maintaining independence
and autonomy and self--reliance to seeking foreign aid and economic cooperation
should be correctly handled; 5. the improvement of people's livelihood should
correspond to production growth.
West Asia and Africa