一、前言 1923年,桑志华(E.Licent)和德日进(D.Teilhard de Chardin)在宁夏回族自治区宁武县水洞沟附近约1公里的范围内发现了4处旧石器地点,这是中国发现的最早的旧石器地点群。此后直到七十年代,主要在北方如山西、陕西等省又陆续发现了丁村旧石器地点群、蓝田旧石器地点群和大荔旧石器地点群等。考古学家根据它们各自的文化特征,分别称之为“河套文化”(以后又改称“水洞沟文化”和“萨拉乌苏文化”)、“
The paleolithic remains found in China could be divided into two types: the cave site and the open-air localities. Most of the open-air remains always congregated in one area and consisted several or tens localities with similar dates and cultural styles. The thesis discussed the characteristics, types of those remains and believed that a complex of the or iginal paleolithic may be have been a living district of a primitive horde.
Huaxia Archaeology