本文扼要论述了法国普罗旺斯大学出版社(Publication Diffusion,Universite de Provence)1988年出版的一部《新法汉物理词典》(LEXIQUEFRANCAIS-CHINOIS DE LA PHYSIQUE)的编辑原则,对照国内出版的同类词典,分析该书在收词、编排和释文方面的特色,并归纳出五点审校方法。
This article focuses mainly on discussing the compiling principles of a new French-Chinese dictionary of physics 《Lexique Francais-Chinois》published in 1988 by thePublication Diffusion, Universite de Provence. The author compares this mew dictionarywith those of the same category by analyzing its distinctive characteristics in wordcollection, compilation and translation. From the discussion, five methods for checkand proof have been drawn.
Chinese Science & Technology Translators Journal