目的 观察复方环丙沙星糊剂局部治疗牙周炎的临床疗效。 方法 取适量复方环丙沙星糊剂置于局部牙周组织为试验组,口服环丙沙星加甲硝唑治疗为对照组,进行对比研究。 结果 复方环丙沙星糊剂局部治疗成人牙周炎的疗效显效率为 92 31%,优于对照组(64 00%);两组不良反应比较,试验组为0 00%,对照组为40 00%,试验组明显优于对照组。 结论 复方环丙沙星糊剂局部治疗牙周炎疗效显著,药物配制方便,无不良反应。
Objective To investigate the local effects of compound ciprofloxacin on adult periodontitis. Methods The cases of periodontitis were divided into 2 groups: the treatment group was treated by putting appropriate compound ciprofloxacin into periodontal pocket; the control group, in which oral ciprofloxacin and metronidazole were used. Results 92 31% of adult periodontitis patients were sensitive to compound ciprofloxacin in local treatment, take priority over the control group (64.00%). To compare the adverse reaction of two groups, rate of side effect was 0 00% in treatment group, 40 00% in control group. Obviously, the treatment group was better than the control group. Conclusions Compound ciprofloxacin is an effective local treatment drug to periodontitis without side effect and easy to make up.
Medical Journal of General Equipment Headquarters