以大鼠脑血栓形成为模型,观察槲皮素磷酯钾对大鼠脑血栓形成术24h后血小板聚集、血浆TxB2和6-keto-PGF12水平的影响,以及脑电图、脑重量和病理组织学改变。结果表明:复合血栓诱导剂1ml kg-1经颈内动脉注射能诱发大鼠同侧大脑半球内血栓形成,槲皮素磷酯酶钾10-20 mg kg-1能对抗大鼠脑血栓形成,降低体内血小板自发性聚集,抑制血浆TxB2的升高。提示槲皮素磷酸酯钾可能通过其抗血小板聚集及影响花生回烯酸代谢而发挥抗脑血栓形成作用。
The effects of potassium qucercetin phosphate (PQP) on platelet aggregation , plasma levels of the thromboxane B2(TXB2) and 6-keto-prostaglandin F12(6-keto-PGF12),EEG,Cerebral weight and pathological change in rats 24h after cerebral thrombosis. The results indicate that injecting compound thrombosis inducer from arteria carotis interna induced cerebral thrombosis in the same side’s hemisphere and PQP. Inhibited cerebral thrombosis in rats,decreased platelet aggregation in vivo and TXB2 level in plasms. This suggests that PQP inhibited cerebral thrombosis probably by antiplatelet aggregation and affecting arachidonic acid’s(AA) metabolism.
The Chinese Academic Medical Magazine of Organisms