Objective To assess retrospectively the effects of different protective methods on brain in ascending aortic aneurysm surgery. Methods In 65 patients, aneurysm was dissected to the aortic arch or right arch. To protect brain, deep hypotermic circulatory arrest ( DHCA.) combined with retrograde cerebral perfusion ( RCP) June 2003 Vol11 No2 through the superior vena cava ( n = 50) and simple DHCA ( n = 15) were used during the procedure. Blood samples for lactic acid level from the jugular vein were compared in both groups at different plase, and perfusion blood distribution and oxygen content difference between the perfused and returned blood were measured in some RCP patients. Results The DHCA time was 35.9 ± 8 min (10. 0 - 63. 0 min) and DHCA+ RCP time was 45.5 ± 17. 2 min (16. 0 - 81. 0 min)The resuscitationtime was 7.1 ± 1.6 h (4.4 - 9.4H)in DHCA patients and 5.4±2.2h(2.0-9.0 h)in RCP patients. Operation death was 3/15 in the DHCA group and 1/50 in the RCP patients. Central nervous complication
Objective To assess retrospectively the effects of different protective methods on brain in ascending aortic aneurysm surgery. Methods In 65 patients, aneurysm was dissected to the aortic arch or right arch. To protect brain, deep hypotermic circulatory arrest ( DHCA.) combined with retrograde cerebral perfusion ( RCP) June 2003 Vol11 No2 through the superior vena cava ( n = 50) and simple DHCA ( n = 15) were used during the procedure. Blood samples for lactic acid level from the jugular vein were compared in both groups at different plase, and perfusion blood distribution and oxygen content difference between the perfused and returned blood were measured in some RCP patients. Results The DHCA time was 35.9 ± 8 min (10. 0 - 63. 0 min) and DHCA+ RCP time was 45.5 ± 17. 2 min (16. 0 - 81. 0 min)The resuscitation
time was 7.1 ± 1.6 h (4.4 - 9.4H)in DHCA patients and 5.4±2.2h(2.0-9.0 h)in RCP patients. Operation death was 3/15 in the DHCA group and 1/50 in the RCP patients. Central nervous complication existed in 3/12 of DHCA patients and 1/49 of RCP patients ( P < 0. 01). The overall survival rate was 96% (RCP) vs 67% (HDCA) .central nervous system dysfunction was 20% in DHCA vs 2 % in RCP ( P < 0.01). The blood lactic acid level increased significantly after reperfusion in DHCA than in RCP. The blood distribution measurement approximated to 20 % of the perfused blood returned from arch vessels. Oxygen content between perfused and returned blood showed that oxygen uptake was adequate in the PCR group. Conclusion The application of RCP could prolong the safety duration of circulation arrest. Cerebral perfusion may reep the brain cool and flush out paniculate and air embolism. Open anastomosis of the aortic arch to the prosthesis can be safely performed. RCP is acceptable for brain protection in clinical practice. 8 refs,3 tabs.
Surgical Research and New Technique