Endoscopic biliary drainage has been established to provide effective treatment for acute obstructive jaundice and cholangitis. A recently developed ultrathin transnasal videoendoscope (TNE) is minimally invasive even for critically ill patients and can be performed without conscious sedation. Transnasal endoscopic biliary drainage (TNE-BD) is performed using a frontviewing TNE with approximately 5 mm outer diameter and 2 mm working channel diameter. Finally, 5F nasobiliary tube or plastic stent are placed. Technical success rates are approximately 100% and 70% for postendoscopic sphincterotomy or placement of self-expandable metallic stent, and intact papilla, respectively. There are no serious complications. In conclusion, although further cases should be accumulated, TNEBD and in particular, one-step naso-biliary drainage using TNE may be a useful and novel technique for the treatment of acute cholangitis.
Endoscopic biliary drainage has been established to provide effective treatment for acute obstructive jaundice and cholangitis. A recently developed ultrathin transnasal videoendoscope (TNE) is minimally invasive even for critically ill patients and can be performed without conscious sedation. Transnasal endoscopic biliary drainage (TNE-BD) is performed using a front-viewing TNE with approximately 5 mm outer diameter and 2 mm working channel diameter. Finally, 5F naso-biliary tube or plastic stent are placed. Technical success rates are approximately 100% and 70% for post-endoscopic sphincterotomy or placement of self-expandable metallic stent, and intact papilla, respectively. There are no serious complications. In conclusion, although further cases should be accumulated, TNE-BD and in particular, one-step naso-biliary drainage using TNE may be a useful and novel technique for the treatment of acute cholangitis.