Foreign bodies in the rectum wall,whose most common causes are aberrant sexual activity and intake of small fishbone fragments by mistake,usually have a clear history,presenting an acute upset.However,chronic presence of a foreign-body can result in inflammatory reaction and stromal proliferation,and can even accelerate the occurrence and deterioration of tumors through different mechanisms,such as reactive oxygen species.Foreign bodies in the rectum wall may induce complications and lead to misdiagnosis.Colonoscopy and biopsy pathology are one of the most trusted techniques for diagnosis.
Foreign bodies in the rectum wall, whose most common causes are aberrant sexual activity and intake of small fishbone fragments by mistake, usually have a clear history, presenting an acute upset. However, chronic presence of a foreign-body can result in inflammatory reaction and stromal proliferation, and can even accelerate the occurrence and deterioration of tumors through different mechanisms, such as reactive oxygen species. Foreign bodies in the rectum wall may induce complications and lead to misdiagnosis. Colonoscopy and biopsy pathology are one of the most trusted techniques for diagnosis.