Gastric varices are usually associated with a gastrorenal(G-R) shunt.However,the gastric varices described in this case report were not associated with a G-R shunt.The inflow vessel was the posterior gastric vein and the outflow vessels were the narrow inferior phrenic vein and the dilated cardio-phrenic vein.First,percutaneous transhepatic obliteration of the posterior gastric vein was performed,but the gastric varices remained patent.Then,micro-balloon catheterization of the subphrenic vein was carried out via the jugular vein,pericardial vein and cardio-phrenic vein,however,micro-balloon-occluded inferior phrenic venography followed by micro-coil embolization of the cardio-phrenic vein revealed no delineation of gastric varices resulting in no further treatment.Thereafter,as a gastrosubphrenic-intercostal vein shunt developed,a microballoon catheter was advanced to the gastric varices via the intercostal vein and balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration(BRTO) was performed resulting in the eradication of gastric varices.BRTO for gastric varices via the intercostal vein has not previously been documented.
Gastric varices are usually associated with a gastro-renal (G-R) shunt. However, the gastric varices described in this case report were not associated with a G-R shunt. The inflow vessel was the posterior gastric vein and the outflow vessels were the narrow inferior phrenic vein and the dilated cardio-phrenic vein. First, percutaneous transhepatic obliteration of the posterior gastric vein was performed, but the gastric varices remained patent. Then, micro-balloon catheterization of the subphrenic vein was carried out via the jugular vein, pericardial vein and cardio-phrenic vein, however, micro-balloon-occluded inferior phrenic venography followed by micro-coil embolization of the cardio-phrenic vein revealed no delineation of gastric varices resulting in no further treatment. Thereafter, as a gastro-subphrenic-intercostal vein shunt developed, a micro-balloon catheter was advanced to the gastric varices via the intercostal vein and balloon-occluded retrograde transvenous obliteration (BRTO) was performed resulting in the eradication of gastric varices. BRTO for gastric varices via the intercostal vein has not previously been documented.