Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International(HBPD Int) is a journal published quarterly inEnglish language by the First Affiliated Hospital,Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hang-zhou, China. We welcome original articles fromany part of the world; no charge is made for re-view. The papers are reviewed by members of theEditorial Board and our international panel of ex-pert peer reviewers, then either accepted for pub-lication or rejected by the Editor. Please send allsubmissions to:The EditorHepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International(HBPD Int) First Affiliated Hospital, ZhejiangUniversity School of Medicine, 79 QingchunRoad, Hangzhou 310003, China Most of submissions accepted for publicationmay undergo revisions recommended by the re-viewers, editors or statistical advisers. A decisiontakes from two weeks to three months, the longerperiod being due to the multiple reviews needed