一、历史回顾 随着地表能量交换与物质迁移过程研究的深入及水资源合理利用与管理定量化的迫切要求,蒸发问题越来越受到人们的重视,研究蒸发的紧迫性与重要性也愈来愈明显。国际上对蒸发的研究已有近三百年的历史,至今已取得了一系列成果。Dalton 1802年首先综合了风及空气温、湿度对蒸发的影响提出了著名的道尔顿蒸发定律,它对近代蒸发理论的创立有决定性的作用。以后。
The achievement in the field of evaporation calculation in the world during last two decades is reviewed. The micrometeorological methods for calculating evaporation which are divided into three classes (traditional, simula ting and remote sensing method) according to the physical machanism they are based on, are summarized and discussed, and prespect is presented.In spite of itsfaults(evidently in the case where ground surface is rough and unhomogeneous) the traditional method is still the routine one of calcula ting evaporation owing to its simqlicity and practicality . On the contrary , the si-modelling way, though precise, is far from rontine at present because of its complexity and intricatecacy. But it can theoretically offer ways to establish the new model and modify the traditional method.The remote sensing method is in the developing stages. Although many problems remain to be solved, it is much useful for practice and looks very promising because it can provide regional evaporation information.During the 1980s, with improvement of exqerimental facilities the work in terms of calculating turbulent fluxes (Which include evaporal ion) by use of both numerical model describing the turbulent exchange processes between vegeta tion (or bare soil) andatmosphere and remote multisqectral and multi-phasic data is more and more increasing. That is also two promising ways to calculate evaporation more accurately in future.
Geographical Research