
中国考古类型学变革的基本结构 被引量:3

The Basic Structure of Transformation in Chinese Archaeological Typology.
摘要 1988年6月24日,中国历史博物馆研制的《计算机考古序列分析系统》(简称CASA) 通过技术鉴定.第二天,《光明日报》发表了一则题为《我国考古研究开始进入电子时代》的消息。尽管事情本身不可能马上在考古界引起很大的震动,但从考古学发展的结构来看, 不能不说是新时代的标志。在今天,CASA已经不是计算机在考古事业中成功运用的的孤例了。这之前,1987年12月26日,湖南省文物考古研究所研制的《考古专业计算机情报检索系统》通过技术鉴定,它是国内考古界第一个正式通过技术鉴定的计算机应用项目; The typology,the basic theory in the cultural system of the Chinese archaeology and the main method in the archaeological regularizing and studying, ought to have a tight system and a scientific structure. But the author always feels that it's not perfect and has a few problems to transform in his practice or talking about it with his colleagues, However, where ate the problems? How to transform them? None of the internal books can give a minute discussion about the standard typological principle systematically at present. Most of all papers and books with the typological topic are composed of the concrete applied objects mixedwith the expression of the typological theory. The problems aimed at the principle couldn't be raised without the fixed frame of the theory. Only abstracting the basic principle of the typology can we speak of the word of transformation The train of this thesis is to master the contents of the archaeology relying on the archaeology's development, to decide the typology's position on the archaeology set up, to abstract the typological principle on its application, to dissect the typological flaws on - 14 - its structure,and finally to conceive the typological transformation on elimination of its flaws. Avoidiing pestering the concrete applied problems,taking the understanding of the archaeological workers as starting point, stressing,the fair pure .theory and the certainty of the deyelopment. the thesis exoressed something connected with the typology in the coverage of 18,000 words. It consists of four parts. The first mainly recalled the necessary emerging course of the archaeological theory and the concise forming course of the Chinese archaeological theory in order to defind the evolution of the contents of the archaeology and the typaeological theory in order to defind the evolution of the contents of the archaeology and the typology, and the position which the typology occupied in the archaeology. The second indicated some typological problems arising with its uprising status day and day by means of the statistical conclusions, and sum up the production of these problems to the fundamental crux of the typological theory,then pointed out that the typological development would be closed to the limit at present .The third analysed both the structure cores of the typology-the classification and the analogy and the inherent action, and the flaws of the basic principle ,then sumed it up to the effect of the potential employ of the simple induction,over-dependence on experience, the non-typological deduction and the closed system of the typology.The forth started from the general law of the scientific development, put forward the imagination of the typological machincry, and strived to settle the present typological problems from the basic structure and the applied course, to make the typology as a powerful method on a higher level again, thus to get the purpose to push the Chinese archaeological development forward.
作者 李科威
出处 《东南文化》 1988年第6期1-15,共15页 Southeast Culture
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