本研究用 Rutter 行为问卷,对北京城区2432名7—14岁在校儿童进行了调查。儿童行为问题检出率8.3%。男女比为4.9∶1。男孩违纪型常见。女孩神经症型为主。资料提示:儿童行为问题与父母受教育情况,与家庭和睦程度均有关系。常口角的家庭,破裂家庭儿童行为问题多,三代同堂的家庭较核心型家庭和单亲家庭儿童行为问题少,独生子女家庭和多子女家庭行为问题差异并不显著。提示改善家庭环境,重视儿童教育是涉及儿童心理健康发育的重大问题。
2432 primary school children,agedfrom 7 to 14 years,in an urban area ofBeijing,were evaluated with ChildrenBehaviour Questionnaire developed anddirected by Rutter.The total frequencyof behaviour problems was found of 8.3%,in which 7.4% was antisocial behaviourand 0.62% was neurotic behaviour.Thebehaviour problems were observed morefrequently in boys than girls.But Anti-social behaviour was dominant in boys,while neurotic behaviour was commonin girls.Lower frequency was foundin the families of scientific and technicalprofessioaals or in those with highereducation than that with less educationOur data indicated that the frequencyof behaviour problems varied significant-ly with the different social environmentsin which the children were brought up,such as family atmosphere,family struc-ture,parents,involvement in education,expeetation and peer's relationship.Nodifference was found between the freq-uencies of bahaviour problem of childrenfrom one child family and that from morechildren,family.
Chinese Mental Health Journal