

Wang Ganchang; An Outstanding Physicist in the Contemporary China
摘要 今年是当代中国杰出的物理学家王淦昌先生诞生八十周年。王淦昌先生不仅在粒子物理学方面作出了重大的发现和贡献,而且也为独立自主地发展我国的核武器立下了不朽的功勋,近年来他进行着惯性约束核聚变的研究。他以广博精深的学识,严谨的学风,坚持真理的科学精神,爱祖国、爱人民、申张正义、乐于助人的崇高品格教育熏陶了几代人。他确实不愧为我国科学工作者学习的典范。 Wang Ganchang was born in 1907.This year marks his eightieth birthday.In 1929,he graduated from Qinghua University among its first batch of graduates.From 1930 to 1934 he studied'in Germany and received a PhD degree under the guidance of L.Meitner.After his return to China,he taught in the Departments of Physics of Shandong University and Zhejiang University successively,training many outstanding physicists.In 1941,his 'A Suggestion on the Detection of the Neutrino'was published in Physical Review greatly promoting experimental work in the field.After 1950,he was a research professor and deputy director of the Institute of Modern Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences.He mainly engaged in research on cosmic ray physics and contributed a lot to the founding and development of the institute.During 1956—1960,he was a senior research fellow and deputy director of the Dubna United Institute of Nuclear Research.The research team he led discovered ∑- hyperon.From 1961 to 1978,he was a research professor in the 9th Academy of the Second Ministry of Machinery,and later became its vice president.He took part in the research and development of atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs and led the work in the relevant experiments in physics,thus contributing greatly to the development of China's nuclear industry.After 1978,he took the posts of Vice Minister of the Second Ministry of Machinery and the director of the Institute of Atomic Energy of the Ministry,He actively supports the peaceful use of nuclear energy and is engaged in research on the inertial confinement of nuclear fusion.He is not only an outstanding physicist in China,but also is a prominent educator.He shows a deep love both for his motherland and for all mankind.He has a noble personality and is respected by the Chinese physics community.
作者 范岱年 亓方
出处 《自然辩证法通讯》 1987年第1期56-68,79-80,共15页 Journal of Dialectics of Nature
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