
我国音乐创作“新潮”纵观 被引量:27

A Scan of the "New Stream" Emerging From Musical Composition in China
摘要 建国三十六年来,我国音乐事业既积累了丰富的经验,也留下了许多深刻的教训。这是时代给予我们的一笔可观的财富。但一切感性经验,当它未被整理、上升为理性认识之时,都具有零散的性质,其价值是有限的。只有对以往的经验和教训进行认真的回顾与思考,加以梳理与总结,从中探寻出若干规律性的认识,它们才能转化为对当前音乐事业的发展具有巨大价值的精神财富。这就是特设“回顾与思考”这一专栏的目的。我们热切希望广大音乐学者、音乐工作者和广大读者为此而踊跃撰稿。本刊愿为持各种不同意见的稿件提供园地。 A 'new stream' has emerged from Chinese compositions. The main force of itis a group of young composers who are in the period of maturity. During the pastfew years, they have showed great telent in composing, and began to attract wideattertion, home and abroad. The 'new stream' has three distinctive feetures. Firstly, it has partly brokenwith the one-sided notion of the essence and social function of music. For a longtime in the past, the viewpoint of heteronomy has occupied a dominant position inChinese composing. Some works of the 'new stream' show young composers areseeking for exploitation and control of space and lime of sound. This attitude ofcomposing is, in fact, derived from autonomy. The adoption of some principles ofautonomy, however, does not mean that the composers totally reject heteronomy.They only regard it as a good complement. And this may eventually point to anew conception of music for Chinese composers. The 'new stream' also indicates that composers have begun to emphasize themultilayer and many-sided fuctions of music, not only the instructive aspect of it. Secondly, in the work of the 'new stream', the composers display thier aotiveexploitation of combining modern compositional technique in the west with Chinesenational spirits: a variety of tone-rows; distinctive style of melody; new logic ofharmonic structure; the expanssion of tonality; the breakthrough of conventionalmusical forms. Thirdly, the 'new stream' composers exploite the national spirits in subjectmatter, language and artistic conception, on a higher level of aesthetic consciou-sness. For the sake of a healthy development of the 'new stream', in the opinion ofthe writer, composers should get a better grasp of the complex nature of musicallanguage, try to avoid loosly organized structure of thier music and pay more atter-tion to current sublet matter, in the meantime, the public, especially the musiccritic circles should show more concern for the 'new stream' composers.
作者 王安国
出处 《中国音乐学》 1986年第1期4-15,134,共13页 Musicology in China
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