This is an impromptu speech made by professor Li Chun-Yi at the ShaanxiSymposium on Traditional Chinese Music. Professor Li pointed out that the archaeology of music is quite important tothe study of ancient history of music. Research in ancient musical culture is mainlybased on archaeological finds. In this connection Shaanxi occupies a special place,being the cradle of ancient Chinese culture. Though no musical instrument has beenunearthed in the sites of cultural remains of the Paleolithic Period in Shaanxi, yet inthe sites of cultural remains of Neolithic Period, which spread all over shaanxi, wehave found the pottery ocarina which belonged to the Yangshao Culture of Xian andpottery whistles and pottery rattles which belonged to the Longshan Culture ofShaanxsi The Zhou, Qin, Hun and Tang dyansties were the most prosperous periods inChinese histories of slave society and feudal society. They all founded their captalsin Shannxi province, leaving a great wealth of buried cultural treasure. Therefore wecannot do without the archaeological work when we engage in researches into themusical culture of the important times in Chinese history. Along with the developments of paleoanthropology and archaeology and with thenew archaeological finds and our new knowlege of them,vital breakthroughs are quiteexpectable in the studies of the musical culture of early times.
Musicology in China