口弦是世界上很多民族早期流传的一种“簧舌振动’口腔共振”的简单乐器。在我国的一些文献中称为簧,口琴,嘴琴;英文文献称为Jew’s harp;俄文文献称为“瓦尔岗”。随着各民族社会经济文化的发展,这种乐器在不少地方逐步消失。至今我们在一些边远地区所见到的口弦,是远古原始先民的文化遗存,国外有人认为,它起源于人类新石器时代。
The Jew's harp of the Yi nationality in Liangshan area, Sichuan province, hasa long history. It is still popular among the Yi people. This article is a section of the author's graduation thesis for his Master's degree. First, the author pointed out, according to the frequency spectrum analysisand simulated experiment of the sampling Jew's harps collected in the region ofLiangshan, thier tuning and temperament were based on the choice of overtones andthier scales are pentatonic. Then the author proceeded to the determination of thepitches of each sampling Jew's harp, investigated the procese of manufacture andtuning, and made mathematical computation. Finally the author came to a conclutionthat the tuning and temperament of the three main kinds of the Liangshan Jew'sharps(single-tongued, double-tongued and three-tongued) are in the transition fromthe Just intonation to the 'cycle of fifths'.
Musicology in China