A somatological survey on 236 males and 177 females of Chaoxian nationality, and on 170 males and 98 females of Han nationality living in Jilin province was carried out by the author in August, 1979.
In table 6, 't' values of each items between Chaoxian nationality and Han na-tionality in Jilin Province are calculated. It may be seen that all 't' values of each items between both groups are less than 2 except the auricular height, the morpholo-gical facial height and the bigonial diameter. These data of 't' values show that the physical character of Chaoxian nationality is basically similar to those of Han na-tionality in Jilin province. Judging from Dik values in table 7, it can be seen that Chaoxian nationality is closer to Han nationality in Jilin and Manzu nationality in Hei-longjiang province than other nationalities.
As to the relationship of the various nationalities in northeastern China, the author calculates 'Cx2' values among the various nationalities and also gives dendrogram based on the shape distance (see figure 2). The dendrogram indicates that Chaoxian nationality most close to Han nationalities in northeastern China and Manzu and Mon-gol nationalities, and also close to Han nationalities in Shandong and Hepei provin-ces. I tentatively place these eight groups into a single physical pattern. Thus, it is proved that have originated they may originate from an ancient inhabitant in north China but not from Papeoasians in Siberia region.
It is worth no-ting that Ewenke and Orogin nationalities do not belong to same pattern with Chaoxian and other nationalities in this cluster, which does not conform to any previous statements, i.e. they are far away from other nationalities in northeas-tern China in the physical character. It may be implied that the origins of Ewenki and Orogin nationalities are different from that of other nationalities in northeastern China. They possibly represent the physical pattern of ancient Tungus tribe.
Acta Anthropologica Sinica
Chaoxian nationality
Jilin province