噬菌体为分子生物学的创立和发展立下了汗马功劳,这是生物学界所公认的。但是究竟是谁发现了噬菌体呢? 《亚美利加百科全书》(俗称“大美百科全书”)说:“20世纪20年代F.W.脱华脱(Twort)和F.H.特列尔(d’Herelle)发现了能够裂解细菌细胞的可以过滤的因子。这些称之为噬菌体的因子后来被认为是能够吸附于细菌的病毒”(第3卷,1981年,39页)。《苏联大百科全书》说:“
The Western academic circles usually attribute the discovery of the phage to F. W. Twort and F. H. d'Herelle. The academic circle of the Soviet Union whereas attributes it to N. F. Gamaleya. But we can find from the analysis of the original materials that the phage was first discovered by G. H. d'Herelle, who personally observed the real phenomenon of the phage, seperated the strain of the phage and nominated it as 'bacteriophage'.
Journal of Dialectics of Nature