The evolution of health and diseases is related to the developmemt of human ecological environment. Since the beginning of the century, disease types in the world have changed. (1) acute diseases caused by biological infe-ction have dropped substantially while non-infectious chronic diseases have increased. (2) Progress has been made in the battle against infantile and chi-ldren’s diseases, at the same time, aged diseases have increased. (3) diseases induced by nutritional deficiency have been abated while those caused by over-nutrition have increased. (4) endemic diseases origiginating from the natural environment are decreasing, diseases caused by pollution resulted from man-made-environment are increasing.Health level and disease types of the Chinese people are evidently related to China’s ecological environment, the major emphasis being the character of transition. It includes. (1) China is following the precedent set by developed nations, ancient (acute-biological infectious) diseases are being superseded by modern (cardiovascular diseases and cancer) affliction. (2) viewing disease types from an ecological geography,China is not only different from developed nations, but also from developing nations. (3) There exist both Kinds of diseases, endemic diseases and technogenic diseases’, in China. (4) Urban disease types close to those of developed nations while Rural disease types are similar to those of developing nations. Examining its disease types, life expectancy, aged structure and mortality, China assumes a median position now. It is related to its ecological and social character of geography.By the end of the century, China’s disease pattern will appear very similar to that of developed nations. It means that Cardiovascular diseases and cancer will be the leading causes of death in China. Strategies in the realm of health care and medicine in China must be continued to reduce bio-infectious diseases while struggle against cardiovascular diseases and cancer must be developed quickly. The main emphasis must be gradually placed on the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
Geographical Research