我国著名的水文地理学家、中国科学院地理研究所研究员郭敬辉同志于1985年4月5日溘然长逝。他的逝世是我国地理学界和水文学界的一大损失。我们怀着十分悲痛的心情对他表示沉重悼念。 郭敬辉同志1916年10月出生于河北省定县一个农民家庭。“七七”事变前在北京读书,日寇的侵略迫使他辍学回乡。1939年在抗日根据地参加了中国共产党。
The famous hydrographer, professor of the Institute of geography, of the Chinese Academy of Science, Guo Jinhui died at Beijing on April 5 ,1985.Prof. Guo Jinhui was born on October, 1916, at Dingxian County Hobei Province, in a peasant family. Before the Japanese invasion, he was studying in Beijing. He joined the Chinese Communist Party in 1939, and was appointed educator for revolution in his county. After the Liberation, Guo taught and served as the head of the department of geography in normal university. In 1955, Prof.Guo came to the Institute of geography, of the Chinese Academy of Science, and made researches on hydrography and took on management of the Institute of geography .Guo Jinhui was appointed vice-president of the Geographical Society of China,vice-precident of the council of the Oceanogra-phical Society of China, member of the council of the Chinese Society of Water Conservancy and member of the Commission of Toponymy.He was an originators of the Chinese hydrography. In early 1950’s, Prof. Guo estimeted the resources of surface flow of all the country and published the first map of modulus of surface flow "The surface flow of China" , "The factors of geographical impact on surface flow in China" and "The basin hydrography of the Heilongjiang River" and several other articles and books These became the foundation works of hydrographical researches in China. He organized and led the writing of "China’s physical geography" professor Guo Jinhui led and took part in the integrated investigation of the South-north water transfer in west China and the integrated investigation of Xinjiang.Professor Guo Jinhui was an outstanding activist of the geographical society of China.He did much valuable work for the society.Professor Guo also was an educationist training a large number of cadres for revolution. His students spread all over the country. Under his fruitful work, he fostered lots of scientists for hydrography and hydrology, and this has promoted China’s hydrography to develop rapidly.Professor Guo Jinhui made contributions in many aspects Although he died, he will forever live in our heart.
Geographical Research