This paper reports the effects of Qigong (breathing exercise) onEEG power spectrum and coherence in 78 normal persons between theages of 32 to 72, who volunteered to subject themselves to spectralanalysis. The results of comparative studies on EEG between the quietstate in. Qigong, the normal resting state and. sleep indicated that inthe case of Qigong, there was a decrease of the δ power and an increaseof a power in the frontal area, as well as an increase of the coherencevalues at definite frequencies between the frontal and the occipitalareas. An index of the quietness level,in Qigong was thus produced.Compared with the restinng state, the index was higher in Qigong andlower in sleep. Although the index demonstrated the specific characterof the quiet state in Qigong, no significant index differences weredetected among various kinds of Qigong, Furthermore, the indexconfirmed the similar effects of various kinds of Qigong in achievingthe quiet state.
Acta Psychologica Sinica