2Harry Blamire. Twentieth-Century English Literature (M). London: Macmillan Press Ltd., 1982.
3L.G.Gibbon. A Scots Quair. London: Jarrolds Publishers Ltd.
4Ramon Lopez Ortega. The Language of the Working-Class Novel of the 1930s (A). Quoted from H. G. Klaus ed, The Socialist Novel in Britain: Towards the Discovery of a Tradition (C). Sussex: The Havester Press Ltd, 1982.
5Deirdre Burton. A Feminist Reading of Lewis Grassic Gibbon's A Scots Quair (A). Quoted from Jeremy Hawthorn ed, The British Working-Class Novel in the Twentieth Century (C). London: Edward Arnold Ltd, 1984.
6Jack Lindsay. After the Thirties: The Novel in Britain and Its Future (M). London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1956.
7Jenny Wolmark. Problems of Tone in A Scots Quair (A). Quoted fromDeirdre Burton, op. cit.
8David Smith. Socialist Propaganda in the Twentieth-Century British Novel (M). London: The Macmillan Press Ltd., 1978.