1Xue Hanqin, Transboundary Damage in International Law, Cam- bridge University Press(2003), p1.
2Michael I. Jeffrey, "Transboundary Pollution and Cross-border Kemedies", 18 CAN.-U.S L.J. 173(1992).
3A.Fraenkel, "The Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution: Meeting the Challenges of International Co-operation " 30 Harv. Int. LJ(1989), at 447.
4Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its fifty-third session, 2001, Doc. A/56/10, para.98. Extract from the Yearbook of the International Law Commission, 2001, vol. II(2).
5Report of the Intemational Law Commission on the work of its forty-eighth session, 1996, Doc. A/51/10, para.89-101. Extract from the Yearbook of the International Law Commission, 1996, vol. II(2).
6Economic Co-operation and Development, Council Recom- mendation on Principles Concerning Transfrontier Pollution, Nov. 14, 1974, 14 I.L.M. 242 (1975).
7Rene Lefeber, Transboundary environmental interference and the origin of state liability, Kluwer Law International(1996),pp.24-25.
8Xue Hanqin, Transboundary Damage in International Law, Cam- bridge University Press(2003),p23.
9M. B. Akehurst, "International Liability for Injurious Conse- quences Arising out of Acts not Prohibited by International Law", Netherlands Yearbook of International Law, vol. 16(1985), pp.3-16.
10Yearbook of the ILC(1978), vol. II(Part Two),pp.150-151,Doc. A/33/10, Chapter VIII, section C, Annex, para.13.