本研究的目的是探讨儿童对几种常见的自然事物的认知发展的问题。共有太阳、月亮、空气、云、雨等自然概念19个,分为四组。个别地要求儿童逐一回答“是什么?”“有无共同的地方?”“为什么”?被试是6—10岁的儿童,分为5个年龄组,每组20人,共100人。 实验结果表明:1.儿童对常见的自然现象的认知水平随年龄而增长。大致可分为两个阶段:不理解和含混阶段;过渡阶段。6—10岁儿童的认知水平大都处于过渡阶段。2.对本研究所涉及的内容的认知,8—10岁儿童是认知发展的飞跃阶段。此外,儿童对自然事物的概念的认知较早,对一类自然事物的共同属性的概括稍晚,对自然事物的因果联系的认知更晚。3.利用自身经验解释自然现象是儿童认知的一个重要特点。决定这一特点的因素,除年龄外,还有对象的性质及儿童经验的多寡等。4.环境教育和文化影响对儿童的认知能力的发展,有极其重要的作用。
The purpose of this study is to explore the problem on the developmentof children’s cognition of natural things. Nineteen natural things were used;e. g. the sun, the moon, air, clouds and rain, etc. They were divided intofour groups. Subjects at the age of 6-10 were required to answer individual-ly three kinds of questions: "What is it?" "Do they share some common ch-aracteristics?" and "Why does it comes about?" One hundred children weretested with 20 in each age group. The results indicate: 1) The levels of children’s cognition of natural phe-nomena or objects rise with the increase of age. This developmental processmight be divided into two stages, that is a) unable to understand them orunderstanding ambiguously, and b) the stage of transition. The level of most6-10-yr olds’ cognition belongs to the latter stage. 2) The period from 8-10yrs of age is one of speedy development with regard to the cognition of thenatural things tested. Besides, children’s cognition of natural things developearlier than that of the generalization of similarity. 3) It is an important cha-racteristic in children’s cognition to use their own explaination of natural phe-nomena. One determinant of this cbaracteristic, besides tbe child,s age, is thenature of the tested natural phenomenon as well as the child’s experience. 4)Education and culture play an important part in children’s cognitive develop-ment.
Acta Psychologica Sinica