本文研究了正常猕猴脑电图特征,将16只动物按其年龄分为哺乳期、未成年期和成年期3组。并对其中12只动物进一步观察氯丙嗪对脑电图的影响,其主要结果如下: 猕猴脑电图自发电位频率随年龄的增长而增加;振幅随年龄的增长而降低。对光刺激所呈现的“节律同化”现象,在未成年期最明显,成年期次之。 氯丙嗪能引起猕猴不同程度的脑电图变化,主要表现为全皮层高振幅慢波。氯丙嗪能改善对光脉冲刺激所呈现的“节律同化”现象。
The characteristics of EEG of different ages were studied on rhesusmonkeys (macacas rhesus). 16 animals (mixed malesand females) weredivided into three groups According to different ages, namely new born,immature and mature groups, The effects of chlorpromazine on EEG wereperfromed on 12 animals of them. The results are as follows: The frequencies of spontaneous potential on the EEG in the rhesusmonkeys vary at different ages. The frequency is increased and theamplitude is decreased as the animal’s age advances. The driving response elicited by photic stimulation is quite evident in immature animals andsecondary evident in mature animals, and it has not been observed in newborn animals. Different changes of EEG in rhesus monkeys caused by chlorpromazinewere observed. The main characteristics of EEG present high voltages andslow waves. Immature monkeys suffered more effects than maturemonkeys. Chlorpromazine can improve the driving response elicited by photicstimulation.
Acta Psychologica Sinica