

Sensitivity and Performance of Nanomechanical Electro-Thermal Probe
摘要 阐述了集成纳机电探针实现超高密度存储的工作原理 ,并对所设计的结构进行了力学理论计算和有限元模拟 .采用硅基微纳机械加工工艺 ,将压阻敏感器和电热纳米针尖一体集成到硅悬臂梁上 ,实现器件制作 .对加热电阻进行温度标定 ,得到了加热电阻与温度间二次关系曲线 .在此基础上对器件进行微秒级瞬态电热特性分析和测试 ,测试结果与理论计算结果和有限元模拟结果都有较好的吻合 .测试结果表明在 4 V脉冲电压下 ,加热时间为 3μs时 ,针尖温度达到 4 6 3.1 5 K,相应的加热电阻的降温时间常数为 6 .2 μs,数据写入速度达到近百 k Hz.悬臂梁上的压阻器件敏感度 (电阻相对变化 )在 2× 1 0 - 7N预力作用针尖处时 ,达到了 5 .4 1× 1 0 - 4,满足纳米数据坑读出灵敏度的要求 . The fundamental working principle of integrated nano mechanical probe's realizing ultrahigh density storage is illustratrated. After the design of component,both the theoretical and finite element method (FEM) analysis are provided. Using the micromachining technology process,the piezoresistor and the electro thermal nano tip are integrated on the silicon micro cantilever. The second order relationship between the heating resistance and its temperature is mined by using resistance temperature demarcating technology. Further microsecond rank instant electro thermal performance is tested, agreeing well with the theoretical results and FEM results, respectively. Under 4V pulse voltage, after heating 3μs, the temperature of heater is up to 463.15K, with the cooling time constant of 6.2μs and nearly 100kHz writing velocity during data writing. Under 2×10 -7 N force on the tip, the piezoresistive sensitivity coefficient is 5.41×10 -4 , which is sufficient for piezoresistive sensitivity during data reading.
出处 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第7期863-868,共6页 半导体学报(英文版)
基金 国家重点基础研究发展规划 ( No.G19990 3 3 10 3 ) 上海市纳米专项课题 ( No.0 111NM0 77)资助项目~~
关键词 悬臂梁-针尖探针 纳机电系统技术 压阻敏感 电热纳米针尖 数据存储技术 PACC 0670M cantilever tip probe nano electromechanical system technology piezoresistance sensitivity electro thermal nano tip data storage technology
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