今天,我想从现代心理学的发展史应吸取的经验教训谈心理学前途的展望,这个问题在编写过程中,受到了若干同志们的关怀,他们提出了不少宝贵的意见。 心理学史大纲第十六章第四节前途的展望,写下了一个标题,但没有写出内容。“善始功半成”重在“善始”。现在的重点要移到“善终”’了,古人说靡不有始,鲜克有终。
This is one of the main addresses delivered at the symposium on the researchproject of the history of psychology. The author reviews various viewpoints nf wes-tern psychologists and suggests some fumdamemtal principles of Marxist-Leninist psy-chology. (1). The mind is a function of the brain, a reflection of the extarnal world.That is to say consciousness does not exist independently of material, although cons-ciousness is not equal to the material. (2). We should hold that external causes be-come operative through internal causes, therefore we should oppose behaviorist exter-nal determinism and Mcdougall’s indeterminism. (3). Practice is the only criterionof testing truth. Study of the haman mind is closely bound up with the observationof objective practice. In approaching western psychology, we should consider both it’s positive and ne-gative aspects, insteas of simply denying or affirming it. To establish a Marrist-Leninist psychology is an arduous task. Questions of rightand wrong in science should be setlled through free discussion and practical work.Nor shonld they be setlled hastily.
Acta Psychologica Sinica