By summing up the work experience of Mr. Liu Chun-pu, the national outstan-ding teacher in charge of a class, this study gives a tentative analysis on the psycho-logical processes of the formation of moral character among primary middle schoolpugils under the influences of class collective and makes a preliminary explorationabout the approach to the subject concerned. Our findings show that the formation process of the pupil’s moral character is aprocess in which the struggle and solution of the contradiction between new moraldemands and old behaviour habits are realized. In this process, the pupil’s attitudehad to be modified in order that he could receive instructions conscientiously, a classcollective should be established with learning tasks as its centre of orientation, richand varied educational activities should be launched, and special attention paid to thetransformation of those pupils who lagged behind. All these are key links. Teachersmust take educational measures effectively in accordance with the peculiarities oftheir pupils in different developmental stages in ordel to slove different problemscharacteristic of a given stage. In doing sc, the teachers may be able to impel theformation and development of the pupils’ communist morality.
Acta Psychologica Sinica