问 题 触觉长度知觉是触觉的重要空间功能,它在大小知觉中是一个基本因素。触觉长度知觉和面积、体积知觉等一样,经常通过不同方式的触摸动作而实现,主要属于主动触觉。在现实生活中,这些常见的触摸方式有:①以手掌或手指沿着物体表面从一端摸到另一端;②用拇指和食指或中指夹住物体两侧并触摸;③将短小的物体放在手心,合拢手指加以辨别;④用手指作为尺子(指尺)来丈量,等等。
The aim of this experirment is to study the effect of two differentmodes of haptic perception on Iength discnimination. Using the method ofadjustment in a 2×2×2 experiment, two modes of evaluation for bothstandard and variable stimuli have been used: thumb-index finger span (2Fmode) and touching of the index finger along the surface of a wooden barfrom one end to the other (1F mode). The results show: 1. When these twomodes are both used in the perception of the standard stimulus, no significantdifference in DL is observed, while in the perception of the variablestimulns there is significant difference in DL. The 2F mode DL is lowerthan that of 1F mode. 2. When the standard and variable stimuli are perceivedby the same mode, the DL is lower; when the two modes are used simulta-neouly by the two hands in perceiving the standard and variable stimuliseparaely, the DL is higher. 3. The 2F mode is more accurate than 1Fmode when they are used to perceive the smaller standard stimulus, andthe 1F mode is more accurate than 2F mode when they are used. to perceivethe bigger standard stimulus. However, when these two modes are used toperceive the variable stimuli, the results are in the reverse. 4. This experi-ment suggests that the two modes of haptic perception have different waysof encoding in processing length information and thus exert influence onlength discrimination.
Acta Psychologica Sinica