问 题 作者在上一报告中,曾揭示过这样一种心理现象。即低年级儿童在当时所设计的教学程序的条件下,即时听写优于即时认读。这个事实似乎与日常人们的经验——认比写易——相矛盾的。本研究对此作进一步验证。 其次,在实际教学中,我们时常看到用“识字巩固率”来衡量识字成绩的高低,但“识字巩固率”这个词的使用概念是不确切的。第一,它往往没有标出是用什么指标测定出来的。因为测定指标不同,其结果也会不同的。第二,有的虽把识字成绩区别为听写和认读,
The three different criteria of character recognition (dictation, reading and iden-tification) which are often used in teaching were compared. 1. In immediate tests, given rightaway after learning, dictation was the easiest, andreading the most difficult. In delayed tests, identification was the easiest and dictationthe most difficult. 2. Reminiscence was observed, which seemed to depend on the time elapsed afterlearning, the level of difficulty of the tests and other factors.
Acta Psychologica Sinica