問題 加強背誦教学,是提高語文教学貭量的重要措施之一。背誦教学与記忆的心理过程有密切关系。揭示和研究背誦材料的記忆特征,对背誦教学有重大意义。 当前,心理学界对背誦教学心理已作了一些有益的探討和研究。如陈光山曾分析了背誦材料的遺忘发展基本表現。但是,根据教师和学生的反映,影响背誦材料遺忘的因素很复杂。其中課文里不同性质的詞类也有一定关系。因此。
Pupils were required to memorize 4 paragraphs of text materials (3 paragraphs of classical prose and 2 paragraphs of modern prose). By means of reproductions made at various intervals after memorization, the retention of substantive and auxiliary words was examined, which gave the following results:1) The forgetting ratio was greater for auxiliaries. This was due to the fact that the pupils memorized only the general meaning of the text, thus overlooked the role of auxiliary words in a sentence, which were thus easily forgotten.2) There were two kinds of manifestations in the forgetting: omission and error. This might be due to generalization and inhibition that took place in the higher nervous activity.3) Pupils’ knowledge and experience affected the understanding of the text, idiomatic expressions also influenced the reproduction.
Acta Psychologica Sinica