12C离子照射人淋巴细胞株Peng-EBV,剂量率约为0.3~0.5 Gy/min,辐照剂量为0、0.1、0.3、0.5、0.7、1.0、2.0 Gy。采用荧光定量PCR技术检测不同剂量点、不同时间点的MDM2和GADD45A基因相对表达水平。结果表明,人淋巴细胞株受照后,MDM2和GADD45A基因相对表达水平整体升高;MDM2基因在0.5~2.0 Gy、照射后2和12小时,以及GADD45A基因在0.7~2.0 Gy、照射后2、12、24和48小时,相对表达水平均有随着照射剂量的增加而上升的趋势。
To study the effect of heavyion on expression of MDM 2 and GADD45A in human lymphocyte cell . Gene expression was expression of MDM 2 and GADD45A exposure to heavyion at different time was measured by real-time quantitative PCR . Expression of MDM2 and GADD45A was at different times , furthermore , showed up regulation in human lymphocyte cell irradiated by heavy ion at 12 hours later . MDM2 and GADD45A can be induced by heavyions at 12 hours later and may play an important role in apoptosis .
Radiation Protection Bulletin