超细纤维是指线密度<1.1 dtex(连续长丝的直径或线密度越小,纤维越细,纤维越细,越易清洁表面)的纤维。每根超细纤维由两组分构成:楔形PET丝及PA的芯。这些由亲水、亲油聚合物构成的丝被织成许多小的钩环结构。无数纤维的锐边阻隔了干燥引起的形变,吸附和吸收污垢及微粒,并且不需添加额外的化学清洁剂。
The term'microfiber'is based on the size of a fiber measuring below 1. 0 denier( the diameter or fineness of a continuous or filament fiber,the lower the number,the finer the fiber,which in turn is more effective for cleaning surfaces). Each strand of microfiber is comprised of 2 components: wedge-shaped polyester filaments and a core of PA. Made of both oil-attracting and water-attracting polymers,these strands are woven into masses of tiny 'hooks and loops'. The sharp edges of millions of these fibers cut through dried-in stains,attracting and absorbing dirt and micro-particles,eliminating the need for additional chemical cleansers.
Melliand China