

Impact of Brand Image to Consumers' Psychology
摘要 我们正从满足物质需求的制度迅速过渡到创造一种与满足心理需求相联系的经济。要想赋予产品能够满足消费者心理需求的信息,就必须要求企业作为"解释者"用自己的知识智慧在产品外观设计上、产品包装设计、广告宣传、销售展场设计等方面创造出能反映消费者个性、身份、地位、高品味或成就等产品形象信息。国际上的著名品牌无不注重对能够满足人们心理需求的信息的创造。 We are rapidly transition from a system to meet the material needs to the economy to meet the psychological needs. To give the product to meet the psychological needs of consumer information, it must require companies as 'interpreter' with their knowledge on wisdom in product design, product packaging design, advertising, marketing and other aspects of exhibition design creates reflect consumers personality, identity, status, achievement, and other products of high taste or image information. Internationally renowned brands to meet people all focused on the psychological needs of information creation.
作者 赖姝
出处 《科教导刊》 2014年第11期152-153,共2页 The Guide Of Science & Education
关键词 物质需求 心理需求 消费需求 品牌形象 material needs psychological needs consumer demand brand image
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