目的:通过与标准后腹腔镜根治性肾切除术进行对照研究,评估单孔后腹腔镜根治性肾切除术的临床疗效.方法:2011年4月~2012年8月,行单孔后腹腔镜根治性肾切除术53例,随机选择同一时期行标准后腹腔镜根治性肾切除术53例,将两组资料的临床及病理指标进行对照研究.结果:两组病例的术后切口引流管拔除时间分别为(3.20±1.45)d 和(3.80±1.80)d ,术后住院天数分别为(6.60±1.50)d 和(7.30±1.82)d ,均差异有统计学意义(P <0.05).两组病例的性别、年龄、体质指数、手术时间、手术失血量、术后第1、2、3天的切口引流量、手术部位、肿瘤位置、肿瘤大小、TNM 分期、Fuhr man 分级、术中术后并发症均差异无统计学意义(P >0.05).两组各有1例患者中转开放手术.结论:与标准后腹腔镜比较,单孔后腹腔镜根治性肾切除术安全可行,可缩短住院时间,具有较好的美容效果.
To assess the clinicalefficacy of retroperitoneallaparoendoscopic single-site radicalnephrec-to my (LESSRN)versus standard laparoscopic radicalnephrecto my (SLAN).Methods :Bet ween April201 1 and Au-gust 201 2 ,53 patients with renalcancer in our center under went retroperitoneal LESSRN by using a ho me made sin-gle- port device ,and during the sa me peri od ,53 cases undergoing SLAN were rando mly analyzed .The clinicaland pathologicalpara meters of the t wo groups were analyzed ,including gender ,age ,body mass index ,operati ve ti me , esti mated blood loss ,drainage volu me of the wound ,wound drainage tube re moval,hospitalstay ,operati ve si de , tu mor size ,tu mor locati on ,clinicalTNMstage ,Fuhr man grade ,and co mplicati ons .Results :No si gnificant differ-ences were found in gender ,age ,body mass index ,operati ve ti me ,esti mated blood loss ,operati ve si de ,tu mor size , tu mor locati on ,clinicalTNMstage ,Fuhr man grade ,and co mplicati ons bet ween t wo groups (P >0 .05 ).The ti me of wound drainage tube re movaland hospitalstay in the LESSRN group were si gnificantly shorter than in SLAN group (P <0 .05 ).Conclusions :Co mpared with SLAN ,retroperitonealLESSRN using a ho me made single- port device is a safe and feasi ble procedure for manage ment of localized renalcancer ,and have provi ded a better cos metic outco me and shorter hospitalstays .
Journal of Minimally Invasive Urology
laparoendoscopic single-site surgery
renal cancer