《许国璋论语言》(外语教学与研究出版社,1991年)一书的读者大概都有同感:作者是一位少有的语言学通才。上下数千年,博古通今;纵横几万里,学贯中西。能在如此广阔的领域中驰骋,能有几人! 许先生对语言的看法很全面,对语言学的看法也很全面。他之所以能持全面观点,本人学识广博是原因之一,敢于发扬科学、坚持真理也是原因之一。
To scholars as well as laymen in China,language is ontologically a social object,not physical,psychological or abstract,as it is often claimed to be by linguists and philosophers elsewhere. Functionally.it is a means of communication, not a means of thinking or reasoning. Professor Xu Guozhang was exceptionally liberal-minded in this context,ready to consider and accept alternative views on the philosophy of language. He supported linguistic studies in all its subareas and made contributions ranging from formal syntax to sociolin-guistics and lexicography. Few, if any .linguists in China were as versatile and as well-read.
Foreign Language Teaching and Research