四川广汉三星堆遗址的发现,特别是1986年夏三星堆两个遗物坑的发掘,是中国西南地区考古的重大收获。有关报道发表之后,很快引起学界广泛注意,海外一些学者,如Robert W.Bagley和N.Barnard等人曾经多次著文予以评价。数年来,围绕这两个遗物坑的年代、性质以及出土的各种器物,包括数量和艺术质量都十分惊人的青铜器物,考古学界进行了热烈的讨论,发表了大量的研究成果,大大丰富了我们对巴蜀地区古青铜文化的认识。
We have determined the lead isotope ratios for 53 samples from the bronze objects excavated in two pits in Sanxingdui, Sichuan Province. The samples consist of 6 from bronze trees, 8 from masks, 2 from human figures, 3 from heads, 20 from vessels, 6 from yuans, 5 from weapons and 3 from other objects.The present result shows clearly that the lead in most of the Sanxingdui bronze objects can be regarded as a high radiogenic lead. It has unique features of lead isotope compositions, and is a rare lead type in the generally continental crust of China. In this paper, the authors compared and discussed the analytical results of lead isotope for the bronze objects from both the Sanxingdui pits and the Xingan Dayangzhou tomb, also. Judging from the isotope compositions of lead in the bronze objects from two sites, it is possible that their lead materials come from same mine source.
Cultural Relics
日本学术振兴会和美国Smithsonian Institution资助,属与四川省文物考古研究所合作项目