一语言对比研究的兴起及其发展19世纪初欧洲的语言研究以历史比较法作为标志进入了成熟时期.欧洲语言学家运用比较分析的方法研究印欧语系诸语言的历史关系,证明它们之间具有共同的来源,这就为历史比较语言学的创立奠定了基础.19世纪末~20世纪初,经过许多学者的共同努力, 历史比较语言学得到进一步的发展.但是,这一时期的比较研究只限于亲属语言之间,比较研究的重点是语言中共同的或相似的地方。
This article sketches the development of contrastive analysis in China. Contrastive analysis in China was developed on the basis of studies of western lingustics and Chinese grammar. Ma Jianzhong's Ma Shi Wen Tong (Ma's Grammar) was the first grammar book that was brought about by means of contrastive analysis. Li Jinxi, Wang Li, Lu Shuxiang and Gao Mingkai studied Chinese grammar in a similar fashion. The publication of their works marked the completion of the first phase of the development of contrastive analysis. In 1970's in the area of teaching Chinese as a secend language, contrastive analysis continued to develop.
Chinese Teaching in the World